Stop Laugh Lines: Get Rid of Wrinkles Under Eyes When Smiling

We all love to smile. A smile adds more attraction to our appearance. But while smiling wrinkles under eyes or near the corner of the mouth can be a matter of concern for us. laugh …

We all love to smile. A smile adds more attraction to our appearance.

But while smiling wrinkles under eyes or near the corner of the mouth can be a matter of concern for us. laugh lines can add years to your face.


These wrinkles while smiling can appear in both males and females. The laugh lines are more prominent in aged people, fair-skinned people, and people who are more exposed to the sun.

In this article, we will find out the causes behind wrinkles while smiling and how to get rid of wrinkles under eyes using natural ingredients.

What Causes Wrinkles Under Eyes When Smiling?

The most common cause for wrinkles to appear is aging. Due to a decrease in collagen production and loss of elasticity wrinkles start appearing on the skin while smiling.

Besides aging, there are several other factors due to which lines and wrinkles may appear even at an early age.

wrinkles under eyes causes chart

The deficit of nutrients, excessive exposure to sunlight, pollution, smoking, and unfavorable weather condition is also responsible for wrinkles under eyes or near the corner of the mouth while smiling.


Wrinkles due to aging are a natural process and cannot be avoided. But if you have wrinkles due to other factors then, there are several ways to reduce it.

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How to Get Rid of Wrinkles Under Eyes While Smiling?

There are several ways to remove wrinkles and fine lines while smiling. “Retinol” also known as vitamin A can speed up collagen production and reduce laugh line.

Let us find out some other effective ways to get rid of wrinkles while smiling.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal filler is an effective method to treat under eye wrinkles. It can remove wrinkles under eyes easily which almost lasts for a year.

Derma fillers are soft tissue fillers that are injected into the skin to cure fine lines and wrinkles.

Laser Treatment

When deep wrinkles start appearing then, laser treatment can be the most effective option.

Laser Treatment

Laser treatment helps to improve the elasticity and texture of the skin by stimulating new skin cell production.

The laser removes the layers of damaged skin caused by overexposure to the sun. The procedure is completed within 1 hour.

Eye Exercises

To remove wrinkles under eye when smiling, eye exercises can be a good option. Eye exercises can strengthen eye muscles and stop laugh lines to show up.


To perform eye exercises put your middle finger on your eyes. Now with the help of your eye muscles try to lift the fingers.

Seize the lifted fingers for 5 seconds before going back to the initial position. To remove wrinkles under eyes practice this exercise 10 times daily.

Eye Massage

To get rid of wrinkles, fine lines, and dark circles around eyes facial massage can be the best option. These types of facial massage improve blood circulation around the eyes and flush out toxins from the skin.

You can get a facial massage using a carrier oil, an essential oil. Coconut oil, almond, jojoba, and avocado oil can be used as a carrier oil to perform facial massage.

Massaging oil around the eyes stimulates collagen production and gives you a supple, glowing skin.

Wrinkle Surgery

Surgery can be the best option to get rid of deep wrinkles caused by excess loose skin. An under-eye wrinkle surgery is done by removing excess fat and muscle deposition under the eye.

This process can give you a smoother appearance and make you look more youthful. You might also like: 9 Super Foods to Eat When You are Trying to Change Eye Color

Home Remedies to Remove Wrinkles Under Eyes When Smiling

Besides the above treatment, there are several home remedies to remove wrinkles with no side effects. So, let us find out the home remedies to remove wrinkles while smiling.


1.Coffee Can Remove Wrinkles

Coffee contains powerful antioxidants that reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

It can also minimize the damage caused by free radicals. Mix finely ground coffee beans with an equal amount of cocoa and 2 tbsp of honey.

Ground coffee

Apply this paste on your skin and around the eyes and let it dry out for 20 minutes.

Now wash off your face with cold water. To get visible results to follow this remedy thrice a week. Also Read: Do Eyelashes Fall Out: How Long Does It Take to Grow Back?

2.Use Cucumber

Cucumber can increase collagen production as it is packed with antioxidants.

Cucumbers are cooling and hydrating that can reduce wrinkles in no time.

Apply Cucumber

Blend cucumber and add yogurt to form a mixture. Apply this on your skin and leave it for 20 minutes.

Then wash off your face with warm water. You can also place a cucumber slice on your eyes and leave it for 10 minutes.

3.Coconut Oil to Reduce Wrinkles

Coconut oil contains vitamin E and antioxidants that can hydrate and rejuvenate your dry skin and thus, help to remove wrinkles while smiling.


Make a paste using 1 tbsp of coconut oil and 1 tsp of turmeric. Apply this on your face and leave it for 20 minutes.

Then rinse off your face with cold water and a mild cleanser. You might also like: Natural Ways to Treat Brown Spots From White Part of Eyes


4.Try Pineapple Juice

Pineapple contains bromelain and alpha hydroxy acid that prevent wrinkles and also remove dead skin cells.


Apply a few drops of pineapple juice under your eyes. Leave it for 10 minutes then, wash off with water.

5.Stop Wrinkles Under Eyes With Yogurt

Using yogurt can treat wrinkles and fine lines effectively. Yogurt is rich in lactic acid and good bacteria that can also exfoliate dead skin cells.

Stop Wrinkles Under Eyes With Yogurt

Apply a small dab of plain yogurt beneath the eyes. Let it dry out for 15 minutes then, wash off with cold water. To get desired results to follow this remedy once daily. Read Also: 5 Eye Makeup Products That Makes Your Eyes Bigger Instantly

So these are some effective ways to get rid of wrinkles under the eye while smiling.

Try out these remedies according to your convenience and do not hesitate to hold that beautiful smile on your face.

As our smile can make others happy, and it is the best thing on a person’s face.

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