Effective Ways to Treat Cupping Marks: Bruises After Care

Cupping marks are superficial reddening of the skin caused while performing the cupping technique. Though the cupping process has several benefits it has some side effects too. Scars and Bruises can be noticed after a …

Cupping marks are superficial reddening of the skin caused while performing the cupping technique. Though the cupping process has several benefits it has some side effects too.

Scars and Bruises can be noticed after a cupping session. These marks can be unpleasant and you would want to get rid of them.

The most common remedy is to massage the affected area frequently. In this article, we will share with you how to get rid of cupping marks faster.

For How Long Does Cupping Marks Last?

A cupping technique is performed to heal your body. Before getting rid of the cupping marks you need to know why the marks develop.

A lymphatic flow, local capillary rupture, and bleeding after a cupping session can leave these marks.


These marks or bruises are nothing serious and should not be a matter of concern. But as it looks unpleasant you would like to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Treating a cupping mark is quite simple and it heals very fast i.e. between 5 to 10 days. You might also like: Effective Ways to Get Rid of Hickeys

How to Get Rid of Cupping Marks Faster?

You do not want to expose your body when you are going out to the beach because of the cupping marks.

People often want to know how to fade cupping marks faster. Self-massage can be very effective in removing these marks.

cupping color chart
cupping color chart

To get the desired result you can use arnica oil at the time of self-massage. So, let us find out some ways to treat cupping marks faster.

Ultraviolet Treatment

Ultraviolet treatment for 1 to 2 days can be done for 6 seconds to remove the marks or bruises.

Warm Compress

Warm compress promotes metabolism and blood circulation.

So, to remove the cupping marks take a warm compress with hot water and a towel. You can also take a warm shower.


Take a self-massage with arnica oil for 2 to 3 minutes. Repeat the process after 1 to 2 hours for the whole day.


The massaging should be done according to the intensity of the cupping marks. You may notice the cupping marks to brighten up.

But do not worry and keep massaging till the time suggested. May Be Interesting: 6 Ways to Exfoliate Your Skin Using Body Scrub and Its Benefits

Useful Tips to Remove Cupping Therapy Marks

Useful Tips Remove Cupping Therapy Marks

Sunflower Oil You can use sunflower oil to get rid of the marks.
Eggs To get a quick result to rub the boiled egg after taking off the shell on the affected area.
Water To remove the cupping marks mix lemon juice with water and drink it.
Cabbage Juice To promote blood circulation apply cabbage juice to the affected area before self-massage.
Sore Tissues You can massage the affected area even if you have sore tissues.
Iron-rich Food To strengthen the skin you should eat sulfur and iron-rich food.
Hairdryer You can also blow the hairdryer on the affected area to remove the marks.

Things to Do After a Cupping Massage

To prevent cupping marks or bruises after a cupping session you can try out the following things.

Coverup The affected areas should be covered up to keep it warm.
Drink water Drinking a lot of water will flush the cellular waste from your tissues.
Resting is important After a cupping session, you may experience flu-like symptoms and feel tired than usual. This is due to the release of cellular waste during cupping. This is a temporary reaction.


Things to Avoid After a Cupping Massage

You need to avoid the following things after 4 to 6 hours of cupping massage.

Exercise You should avoid intense exercise after the cupping massage.
Avoid processed food You should avoid the intake of dairy products, alcohol, processed meats, caffeine, foods, and drinks containing sugar. These food items can slow down the treatment process.
Avoid Air conditioning and hot shower Avoid hot shower, tubs, and saunas, and excess air conditioning after the cupping session. Give your skin some time to recover after the session as the body parts where the cups were placed will be more sensitive. Avoid using unnecessary chemicals on the affected area and use filtered water at the time of the shower.

So these are some effective ways to get rid of cupping marks. Cupping marks are common after a cupping session and it can be healed quite easily.

The massage can be done using your thumb’s knuckles or your fingers. The pressure applied during the massage should not be too light or too hard.

You can use the back and forth motion during the massage. So, now do not hesitate to go for the cupping session because of the unpleasant marks.

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