10 Simple Homemade Face Scrub That Treats Oily Skin in No Time

Oily skin can be formed due to changes in hormones at an early age. Oily skin can lead to many skin problems like greasy skin, acne, and pimple. People with oily skin can also have …

Oily skin can be formed due to changes in hormones at an early age. Oily skin can lead to many skin problems like greasy skin, acne, and pimple.

People with oily skin can also have blackheads on their forehead and cheeks.

So, taking care of oily skin is not very easy. Including fruit in your everyday diet can help you to get rid of oily skin to some extent.

Scrubbing regularly can help you to remove dead skin cells and oil that blocks your pores.

In this article, we will share with you some homemade face scrub for oily skin. There are many face scrub for oily skin available in the market.

homemade face scrub for oily skin

But these scrubs are often expensive and can have side effects. But homemade fruit scrub can help you to get rid of oily skin in no time.

The homemade fruit face scrub is prepared with fruits like tomatoes, kiwi, lemons, oranges, bananas, apples and cucumbers.


You can prepare fruit scrub for oily skin easily at home. And it is less expensive as well as it does not have any harmful side effects.

Natural and Homemade Face Scrub for Oily Skin

Let us find out how to prepare fruit face scrub for oily skin at home using natural ingredients.

Kiwi and Olive Oil Scrub

To get rid of oily skin using kiwi fruit can be very effective as it contains antioxidant properties.


Take out the pulp from one kiwi fruit and mix olive oil and sugar in it. Apply this mixture over your face and massage gently for 10 minutes.

Wash your face with plain water. If you have sensitive skin then, avoid using sugar while making the scrub. To get desired results to follow this remedy once a week.


Cucumber Scrub

Cucumber contains astringent properties that can help you to get rid of oily skin during summer. It also gives you a glowing and fresh look.

Apply Cucumber

Grate a small cucumber. Now after cleaning your face apply this grated cucumber on your face.

Massage it gently for 6 to 7 minutes, and then wash your face with cold water. To get visible results to use this scrub twice a week. Also Read: Homemade Clay Face Mask for Oily Skin: 2 Quick and Easy Recipes

Walnut Powder Scrub

Walnut helps to get rid of excess oil from the skin and thus, works as an excellent exfoliating agent.


Take 3 to 4 walnut kernels and grind them to form a powder. Now mix lemon juice and honey with this walnut powder.

Apply this mixture on your face and massage gently for some time. Wash your face with lukewarm water. For best results use this scrub once a week.


Papaya and Lemon Juice Scrub

Papaya helps in reducing open pores that can lead to oily skin. Mix ½ cup papaya pulp with ½ teaspoon of lemon juice.


Apply this scrub on your face and neck and massage gently for a few minutes.

Wash your face with plain water. To get visible results to use this scrub twice a week. If you are allergic to papayas then avoid using this scrub.

Egg, Lemon Juice and Sea Salt Scrub

This scrub not only removes excess oil from your skin but also helps to get tighter and brighter skin.


Take one egg white and mix it with ½ teaspoon of lemon juice and 2 teaspoons of sea salt. Apply this mixture on your face and massage gently for some time.

Wash your face with warm water. Do not forget to use a moisturizer after washing your face.

Granulated Sugar Scrub

To get rid of oily skin sugar scrub can be very effective and easy to use.

homemade face scrub for glowing skin with sugar

Mix one teaspoon of honey with one tablespoon of granulated sugar. Now apply this scrub on your face and massage gently in a circular motion.


Wash your face with lukewarm water. To get desired results to follow this remedy twice a week. You need to apply this scrub on your face when the sugar is in a granulated form.

Rice and Baking Soda Scrub

Rice scrub can reduce excess oil production and can also remove dead skin cells from your face.

Jasmine Rice

Mix one teaspoon of honey with one tablespoon of rice powder and a pinch of baking soda. Apply this mixture on your face and gently massage for 3 to 4 minutes.

Wash your face with cold water. To get the best result use this scrub twice a week. You might also like: How to Make a Homemade Face Mask for Flawless Skin

Red Lentil Scrub

Red lentil scrub can treat oily skin very effectively. It also gives a glow by removing dead skin cells.

Mix one tablespoon of red lentil powder with a pinch of turmeric and one teaspoon of yogurt. Apply this scrub on your face and massage gently for three to four minutes.


Wash your face with warm water. To get visible results to follow this remedy once a week.

Oatmeal and Honey Scrub

Oatmeal contains anti-inflammatory compounds that can help to remove excess oil from the skin leaving a glowing effect.


Mix one tablespoon of oatmeal with one tablespoon of honey and one tablespoon of yogurt.

Apply the mixture on your face and neck and massage gently with wet fingers for 2 to 3 minutes.

Wash your face with cold water. If you are allergic to yogurt then, you can use rose water instead of yogurt. You might also like: What Happens if You Leave a Face Mask on Overnight

Orange Peel Scrub

Orange peel can make your skin brighter by removing excess oil.

homemade orange peel face scrub for oily skin

Mix one tablespoon of orange peel powder with a pinch of turmeric and one tablespoon of honey to form a paste.

Apply this paste on your face and massage gently for 2 to 3 minutes. Wash your face with plain water.


To get desired results to use this scrub twice a week. This scrub is also suitable for sensitive skin.

So, these are some effective and homemade face scrub for oily skin. Try to follow these remedies to get glowing skin by removing excess oil and dead cells in no time.

Image License: pexels.compixabay.com under Creative Commons License

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